PhD and postdoc

Table of Contents

Phd Offers

Support users’ awareness with virtual reality and augmented reality in the factory of future

Authoring and synchronization of the Digital Twin in virtual and augmented reality for the factory of the future

Perception and representation of city lighting and night-time atmospheres in Augmented Reality

  • Contact: Étienne Peillard ( and Myriam Servières (
  • Details: The precise subject will be jointly defined with the PhD candidate.
  • Keywords: Augmented Reality, lighting, night-time atmospheres
  • Funding: CIFRE with Observatoire de la Nuit
  • Collaboration: Observatoire de la Nuit and Centrale Nantes
  • Location: Nantes and/or Brest, France
  • Status: Looking for candidate, starting late 2024
  • Note: This topic is in partnership with an urban planning consultancy specializing in lighting environments. The candidate will be employed there (under a CIFRE contract), and the PhD topic will be jointly written with the company. The candidate will therefore need to demonstrate an interest and/or skills in both the technical field of mixed reality, and in urban planning and architecture aspects.

Enhancing Workspace and User Awareness in Asymmetric XR Collaboration

Exploring alternative problem-solving approaches using virtual and augmented reality for the factory of the future

  • Contact: Cédric Fleury (, Thierry Duval (, Frédéric Mérienne (, Jean-Rémy Chardonnet (
  • Details: here
  • Keywords: Virtual reality, augmented reality, digital twin, remote collaboration, factory of the future
  • Collaboration: Institut Arts et Métiers - LISPEN XR
  • Funding: GORAFI project (Gestion Optimisée de la Réalité Augmentée pour le Futur de l’Industrie), RéCLasSIF (Réseau de Campus Labélisés Solutions pour l’Industrie du Futur)
  • Location: Brest, France
  • Status: Looking for candidate, starting late 2024

From lab experiments to on-field applications: the effect of movement and motion on perception in Augmented Reality

  • Details: On the PhD program webpage
  • Keywords: computer science, psychology, augmented reality, visual perception
  • Collaboration: University of Adelaïde
  • Funding: AUFRAND program
  • Location: Brest, France + Adelaïde, Australia (1 year)
  • Status: Looking for candidate, starting late 2024

Postdoc Offers

Using avatars in Mixed Reality. Creation of an experimentation platform and development of avatarization algorithms

Etienne Peillard
Etienne Peillard
Associate Professor

My research interests include human perception issues in Virtual and Augmented Reality, spatial perception in virtual and augmented environments, and more generally, the effect of perceptual biases in mixed environments.